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Summer Camp is one of the regular educational packages of Dr Ambedkar Cultural Academy. It is conducted every year during summer vacation for school going Dalit girls. This year DACA plans to organize Summer Camp 2019 from April 26th to May 25th in its premises. What happens in the Camp? The dalit girls in their month long summer holidays nestle in DACA with the intention to learn the methods of learning, know the essentials of their class subjects and equip them with life values in a stress free, tension free and fear free atmosphere. We also identify economically deserving girls to benefit from the free education offered by DACA run girls’ hostel called VIDIVELLI GIRLS’ HOME. For this year Camp, we expect to have 150 girls from different remote villages of South Tamil Nadu, preferably from the places where DACA has its Evening Study Centers (ESCs). The Animators of ESCs would be responsible in bringing the girls for the Camp. Jesuit Scholastics and Volunteers from Jesuit run schools come forward to help the girls in the Camp. They accompany the girls all through days by their meaningful being and motivating sessions.



To provide children with a pleasant and positive ambience away from their villages where they can experience the joy of their childhood and develop their talents and social skills.



1. To instill in the young minds self-interest for studies.

2. To teach them the various methods of learning.

3. To sharpen their analytical mind and critical thinking.

4. To give leadership training for social transformation.

5. To recruit girls for DACA’s Vidivelli Home.



1. Taking classes and showing videos on the importance of education.

2. Teaching children the various methodology of learning.

3. Bring out a magazine by children.

4. Arranging for group discussions and public debates on social issues.

5. Organizing motivational talks and public speaking on social themes.

6. Conducting various tests to evaluate the standard of children.

7. Use of words and gesturers of appreciation and affection throughout the camp.

8. Providing a platform to exhibit their innate talents and skills.

9. Creative Quiz contest to improve their general knowledge.

10. Creating opportunities to know the basics in Computer, art crafts, etc.

Students at Summer Camp

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